Ugly Lawn? Fix your ugly lawn this this new weed and feed available at every big box store in the country. It's a special weed and feed meant for those of you who are just starting out and need to hit a "reset" button to jump start the lawn back to health.
If you are brand new to lawn care and want to learn all the basics, I created this course just for you:
I have taught tens of thousands of DIYers how to have a nice lawn and this training is the best I've made yet - I know it may seem strange that some dude made a full video course on DIY lawn care but I assure you, I take this very seriously and care about helping you achieve success for real.
Free Email Newsletter - plus, 3 FREE guides on weed control and grubs:
Video on how to measure your lawn:
Lawn Measuring Tool :
Numbers on the bag of fertilizer video:
:50 Ugly Lawns
1:20 Quick Fix
2:32 You Will Not Burn The Lawn
4:11 Gathering Data
9:20 Test Area
9:47 Spreader Recommendation
11:12 Miracle Product
15:59 Pounds on the Ground
19:36 How To Apply It
25:45 Before and After Lawns
New to lawn care? Learn how to dominate your lawn today with the Yard Care Bootcamp:
Website - Full Lawn Plans:
New to lawn care? Learn how to dominate your lawn with the Yard Care Bootcamp:
Download the Yard Mastery App!
#LawnCare #Ugly #Lawn
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