Complete Fall Lawn Care Guide

Complete Fall Lawn Care Guide

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Publish Date:
September 29, 2024
Fall Tips
Video License
Standard License
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It's that time of year again where cool season starts to emerge from dormancy. Temperatures decrease, usually the rain comes back, and it's time to get back out on the lawn and get after it. This video walks through 3 scenarios you may be experiencing and what I believe you should do and how you should make choices.

First is the neglected lawn
-Get back to watering and mowing regularly.
-Fertilize heavily. As much as a pound of N in September and October
-aerate if you think you need to and/or have the time and budget to do it.
-overseed only if you have large bare areas.

Then comes the maintained lawn
-chill. keep doing what you're doing.

Putting green
-keep up with the mowing and watering as needed.
-fungicides and PGR if still needed.
-fertilize heavily to get the bentgrass to fill back into any of the areas you lost throughout the summer.
-aerate if you're able to
-top dress heavy going into winter.