If you haven't done so already, get your FREE Pre-Emergent Guide at https://thelawncarenut.com/pages/free-lawn-care-guides
Spring lawn tips for cool season and warm season grass types.
Lawn fertilizing schedule and some weed control advice.
Additionally, cool season folks, I did not mention this but you will want to do some light raking as the spring goes on. I’ve got playlists that demonstrate that.
Here is more on spring lawn care steps: https://youtu.be/BOD0k-c2rEI
Here is the Yard Mastery Soil Test Kit if you would like some added data points about what you have in your soil: https://yardmastery.com/products/yard-mastery-soil-testing-kit
Weed control that really works: https://thelawncarenut.com/products/prodiamine
Fertilizers & DIY Lawn Products: https://yardmastery.com/collections/diy-lawn-products
This is a really good fungicide for you northern/cool season grassers:
Here is some marking blue, a good idea to help when spot spraying:
This is the non-ionic surfactant I have been using and it works very well: http://amzn.to/2mtwZx8
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