This video is part of the school project and Port Augusta West Primary School contacted me the other week and basically gave me a couple of weeks to sort out a lawn in need of repair.
How to fix a struggling lawn fast takes a look at some kikuyu that is struggling with traffic and has never really been renovated.
You can't grow lawn in hard soil and this soil has got compacted over the years with the foot traffic of the students. The first thing to do is break up the soil and let air, water and nutrients get around the root zone, however....
There is no grass in those bare areas and this is exactly where the students are going to sit so seeing as we only have a few weeks (noting that this is late spring so there is active growth at this time) we got some roll out to put in the bare area and top dressed the area around it.
After the top dress it was soil wetter and four seasons fertiliser, watering every day in the early morning and arvo for about a half hour each time.
In a week it has grown in a fair amount. To help that growth we rubbed that topdress in a bit more where it was a bit thicker and then put down a Launch+ and Root Builder+ tank-mix to get condition and look after the root zone.
Next week we will be looking at a mow and we have some other tricks up our sleeve so watch out for the next video.
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