In this episode, we wanted to focus in specifically on how to fertilise your lawn. While it’s quite simple, there is a little bit more to it than simply chucking it out or spraying it on. So, here’s what’s involved…
Firstly, you want to fertilise your lawn at the right time of the year. Most common lawn varieties like buffalo, couch, and kikuyu love a fertilise at the start of spring when you notice your lawn growing again after winter, after Christmas, and then again after Easter or ANZAC Day.
Next, select the type of fertiliser you want to use. The two main types of fertilisers are granular and liquids. Then, measure out your lawn size to apply the fertiliser to your lawn at the correct application rate. Before you do start applying a fertiliser, always check your fertilisers label rates, application instructions, and safety advice. If you have any further questions, it is always best to ask the product manufacturer.
The granular fertiliser that I have chosen to use today has an application rate of 2.5kg/100m2. So, I have measured 1.25kg for 50m2. The most important thing to keep in mind is to evenly cover the area as best as you can. I like to walk up and back, then across in the opposite direction to get the best coverage. Best to keep an eye out on how wide your spreader is putting the fertiliser out to avoid doubling up on application in areas.
The application for liquid fertilisers is virtually the same to applying granular fertilisers. You want to cover the entire lawn area evenly, and before you start always read the label instructions.
After applying your fertiliser, sweep walkways or blow any hard surfaces like driveways and paths that the fertiliser might have sprinkled on to prior to irrigation. This helps avoid staining on your hard surfaces.
After clearing your hard surfaces, it is time for the final step, watering your fertiliser in. This is an important step to help avoid burning on your lawn. Not all fertilisers need to be watered in, but the majority do. If you are unsure, read your products label or check with the product manufacturer. To water in your fertiliser, you can use a hose and sprinkler or time your application just before rain. One thing to be careful of when applying just before rain is that you are not going to get too much rain as it can wash the fertiliser straight out of the lawn. Around 5-10ml is perfect.
With this information you should be able to ensure the next time you fertilise your lawn, the fertiliser goes to work as effectively and efficiently as it can.
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