5 Tips To Help Your Lawn Stay Green And Healthy - Lawn Care Service Pflugerville 737-289-8350

5 Tips To Help Your Lawn Stay Green And Healthy - Lawn Care Service Pflugerville 737-289-8350

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5 Tips To Help Your Lawn Stay Green And Healthy - Lawn Care Service Pflugerville 737-289-8350

1. Mowing Regularly
One of the most important tips for lawn maintenance is to mow regularly. The height you should mow your lawn at depends on the type of grass you have, but in general you should aim to mow your lawn at 3 or 4 inches. Make sure to never cut more than one-third of the blade off at a time, and never mow when the grass is wet.

2. Watering Deeply
Here at Earth Lawn Care, we recommend watering your lawn three times per week, soaking the soil to a depth of 6-8 inches each time. This may seem like a lot, but watering your lawn daily will actually create a shallow root system that dries out quickly and weakens your grass.

3. Fertilizing Regularly
One of the most important steps you can take for healthy lawn is to fertilize regularly. In the spring, summer, and fall, use a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen content. Make sure to follow the instructions on the package, and avoid over-fertilizing which can damage your lawn.

4. Aerating and Dethatching
Aerating and dethatching your lawn are two important steps for keeping it healthy and looking its best. Aerating involves using a tool to poke small holes in the soil, which helps air and water to circulate better. Dethatching removes any dead or excess grass that may be clogging up your lawn's surface. You can do these tasks yourself or hire a professional to do them for you.

5. Controlling Weeds
Weeds can be a major nuisance in the yard, but there are ways to control them. One way is by using a weed killer, which can be purchased at most hardware stores. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and always wear gloves and protective clothing when using weed killer. Another way to control weeds is by pulling them out by hand. This may be more time consuming but it's an effective way to get rid of weeds permanently.

You can learn about 5 Tips to Help your Lawn Stay Green and Healthy , you must visit: ? https://www.earthlawncareservice.com/

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-Earth Lawn Care Service
-lawn mowing in Pflugerville
-Lawn care service Pflugerville

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