Burning Bermuda Grass Lawn in Spring Instead of Scalping // Spring Lawn Care Tip for Faster Green-Up

Burning Bermuda Grass Lawn in Spring Instead of Scalping // Spring Lawn Care Tip for Faster Green-Up

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Every spring, most bermuda grass lawn owners scalp their lawns to remove the dead, dormant grass from winter to help it green up for the new season. However, some people, believe it or not, burn their lawns to accomplish the same thing. In this video, we'll talk about burning bermuda grass lawns in spring instead of scalping. It's a spring lawn care tip that will lead to faster green-up, but does that mean you should do it too? What are the pros and cons? Is it safe or dangerous. We'll discuss all that right here on Budget Lawns.

Much more important spring lawn tips in these videos:

You DON'T Have to Do These SPRING LAWN TIPS // Aeration, Overseeding, & Dethatching Aren't Necessary - https://youtu.be/W7Xhknjrg2U
You Definitely NEED to Know This to CORRECTLY Fertilize & Apply Pre-Emergent to Your Lawn in Spring - https://youtu.be/PQ82RwgZGbM
A BETTER LAWN Summed Up in 1 Step // This Single Tip is Really All You Need to Improve Grass FAST - https://youtu.be/CY0MvHISJ7M
Kill WEEDS Without Killing Your GRASS This Spring // How To Kill Weeds 3 Ways With Spectracide Stuff - https://youtu.be/U55b7VjOSt4

DIY lawn care tips from the average homeowner for the average homeowner looking to fix an ugly lawn or maintain a nice one. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, you'll learn ways to have the best yard on the block without spending a lot of money.

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I'm a husband and dad who loves his family and his lawn. Gotta care for and manage a budget for both.

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