New house is built. Sod lawn is installed. And I have no clue what type of bermudagrass it is!

New house is built. Sod lawn is installed. And I have no clue what type of bermudagrass it is!

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Have you built a new house or bought an existing one with a sod lawn installed and you had no clue what type of grass it was? Well, I'm in that boat with my new home. I know it's bermudagrass, but don't know the exact variety. It's all good, though. I'm gonna turn it into something awesome no matter what!

Some more info on bermudagrass and spring dead spot right here for ya...

Brown Patches on Bermudagrass Lawn in Spring // Dead Spots in Lawn Won't Turn Green & Grow // Fungus -
Brown Patches on Lawn - Spring Dead Spot -
Fixing Brown Patches on Lawn // Bermudagrass Spring Dead Spot Repair // When To Seed Lawn -
5 Reasons for Bare Spots in the Lawn // Why Your Grass Will Not Grow // Brown Patches on Lawn -
When to Spring Scalp Your Bermudagrass Lawn // Why to Wait to Scalp // What is Bermudagrass Scalping -

This channel's videos share DIY lawn care tips for the average homeowner looking to fix an ugly lawn or maintain a nice one. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, you'll learn ways to have the best yard on the block without spending a lot of money.

I'm a husband and dad who loves his family and his lawn. Gotta care for and manage a budget for both.

#lawn #lawns #lawncare #bermudagrass #grass #sod #tifway419 #newconstruction #newhome #house

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