New updated information, we have been contacted from the California Board of Contractors with some important new on the update of the "Job Abandonment" claim initiated by the CA Contractors board! Maybe some good news?
My Experience with Gowin Green Landscaping, Tulare, Ca 93275
If you watch to the end of this short video, I'll give you some tips to find licensed contractors, what to plant and not to plant and questions to ask when hiring a licensed contractor, trust'll need this!
The proposal is what was completed, and both the owner’s wife and son talked me into them a winter rye seeding. It seems that is the “mistake” they made. It was done 2 months after the sod was laid in October 2020, that was an additional charge of 150.00. They told me this would make the Bermuda look better during the winter. Bermuda has a dormancy period and looks dead for almost half the year.
We experienced no sprouts or green at all from this “seeding” at all, I have emails documenting my complaint. I didn’t make too much of a deal about it…then.
Since then it has been one thing after the other including one of the help breaking 2 of our patio chairs standing on them to look over the fence when he heard a large truck coming, he was sitting on the side of the house most of the day chain smoking cigarettes after his boss left. They also broke 2 of our garden hoses for the multiple times they had to return to replace either sprinkler heads, dead sod (large patches), install additional sprinkler heads because of the dead areas of sod. I guess a professional landscaping company of 16 years does not own commercial grade garden hose?
My wife works from home and the worker didn’t figure out her office was on that side of the house. We have pictures of him. We decided since he knew our address and work schedule it may be better not to get him fired and have issues. We just wanted this project to be completed and never have to see them again. There were always delays such as “Lets give it until spring to see how it looks” etc. For the record we have pictures of the broken chairs we had to pay 216.00 for a new set and 2 hoses that cost 81.00 that we were not compensated for.
In May 2022, I went to our local Landscaping supply company to discuss our still ongoing issues with our grass. Now keep in mind, I have never had Bermuda grass at my home, and was confused as to why I was having so many issues. They had me measure the distance of sprinklers, bring one in to see what I was using and take pictures of the yard. Well that’s when we found out the problems!
It seems that there were two different types of grass growing in my backyard. He estimated by the pictures 70% of what looks like a short fescue and 30 percent Bermuda! He couldn’t be sure because it was a picture. He also said the overlap pattern of the sprinklers is not correct, they are spaced too far apart. We were obviously upset and sent the owners wife an email with these pictures in it. He said “You did this install right?”
The owners wife sent her manager over to view the grass. Now after all this, we paid almost 10,000 for this backyard and it looks absolutely horrible in my opinion. When the manager came, I turned on my phones recorder so I could get this conversation on tape. It may not be admissible in court but I wanted to share this with my wife. As you can imagine, this was causing strife in our family.
I stared at his face closely as he looked at the grass, he wasn’t at all surprised. He was only surprised that the Bermuda sod they planted was NOT taking over the other grass, he was shocked there was hardly any Bermuda grass left. He said and I quote “Sorry, I hate to admit it, we screwed up and must have used the wrong seed during your winter rye seeding” “Don’t worry, we will take care of it”. I asked what needed to be done, he said we will use a chemical to kill the grass, mow it extremely short and then put a Bermuda seed down. That’s not what I paid for, I explained to him. Summer was coming and the odds of 1200 square feet of seed taking root is slim to none. I replied please ask the owners wife to see if she could put down the sod I paid for?
4 Days later, I get a email from the office manager that says and I quote
“What I can do is have a crew come and mow it down very short and then we can spray a specialty chemical to target the rye to get it out.”
Disclaimer -
This content is no way advice for either selecting or non selecting this or any other landscaping contractor for your home. It very simple, is my right under the first amendment, under free speech to be able share my true experience with this landscaping contractor in Central Valley, Ca 93274
All content is 100% documented and 100% True Facts