A Canadian Dairy Farmer recently produced a video detailing a practice that is common in the Canadian dairy industry, and that is the destruction of what is deemed excess production. Few people understand that destroying excess milk has been going on for a long time...Perhaps it is time to rethink this practice and find a "consumer" for what many Dairy Farmers produce.
[email protected]
Brand: Paderno Apple Peeler With suction Cup
Brand: O.M.R.A 2200 #4 Manual Tomato Press
Brand: Salton Vitapro food Dehydrator
Brand: 23 Quart Presto Pressure Canner
Brand: IKEA Shelving OMAR Galvanized Steel 36 1/4 x 14 x 37 in. x 2units
Brand: FoodSaver® 2-in-1 Automatic Vacuum Sealing System with Starter Kit, v4440, Black Finish
Brand: Airpro: Zacme Pasta Maker Accessories Attachments for Kitchen Aid mixer.
Brand: (manual) Marcato Atlas Pasta Machine, Made in Italy, Silver
Brand: LODGE 8.5 x 4.5 Inch Seasoned Cast Iron Loaf Pan SKU: BW8LP
Brand: Vitantonio Ravioli Maker # 510
Brand: O.M.R.A. 2810 Electric Tomato/Fruit Press, mine is very old.
(It was originally discontinued and now they have made this model available again!)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box12534 Martinway Plaza,
Weston, On, M9R 4C7
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