Winter Lawn Care / Keeping Your Lawn Green During Winter

Winter Lawn Care / Keeping Your Lawn Green During Winter

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In many areas it is probably already pretty chilly, which means your lawn has likely gone into some level of dormancy. So, any unnecessary stress is best avoided over the coming months.

In this video I give you some tips, both the do’s and the don’ts, for looking after your lawn during this time.
• Don’t allow leaves and other debris to build up and smother your lawn
• Don’t let shade where possible prevent sunlight from getting to your lawn
• Try and reduce the effect of frost burn by staying off your lawn in the mornings and irrigating early to help the frost melt quickly.
• Don’t let weeds get out of control. Remove weeds by hand where possible, but if required, apply an appropriate herbicide to get them under control.
• If your lawn needs mowing, don’t mow too low. Keeping the mowing height, a little higher will give your lawn the best chance to absorb sunlight and nutrient.

Here’s some things you can do to help it along…
• Apply Iron and Potassium based fertilisers – Your lawn’s health is paramount during winter, important elements like these will ensure it stays at full health and will be ready for growth in spring.

• Apply ColourGuard Plus – ColourGuard Plus is a natural pigment and liquid fertiliser that helps to strengthen your lawn and gives it a nice natural green colour that can last for up to 3 months. Available in both ready to use and concentrate forms, ColourGuard Plus is perfect for small lawns and large commercial areas.

• Lightly aerate your lawn, particularly in struggling areas of increased shade or poor drainage to improve water absorption and to help the lawn breathe.

• Last of all and a very important one, is to try and be patient. You will have plenty of time for dethatching or top dressing your lawn during spring, so wait until it warms up again and the grass is growing quickly before doing anything too aggressive to the lawn.

There’s not much to it, but a few things considered over winter will ensure your lawn stays as healthy as possible, so it bounces back quickly again in spring.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel or visit the Lawn Solutions website for more helpful advice and lawn related products throughout the year.