Cool Season Lawn Guide // Weed Control

Cool Season Lawn Guide // Weed Control

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There is a belief that weed control means chemical weed control; however, the first line of defense against weeds should be sound cultural practices which include proper mowing, fertilization and irrigation. Chemicals should be used only as a last resort. When grasses are properly managed, they are very good at competing with weeds and choking them out. After making your way through this guide, you should have a better understanding of how to manage your turf which will in turn help with weed control.

Mowing is one best cultural practice for eliminating weeds. Many of the weeds that are problems in field crops never appear in turf because they cannot tolerate mowing. Only the weed species that can tolerate defoliation can survive in turf.

On the flip side, mowing can also be a contributor to weeds when the grass is cut low. Low cut turf does not compete with weeds as effectively as a lawn that is maintained at a taller height. For example, annual bluegrass which is considered a grassy weed can thrive when being cut low.

Another cultural practice to be mindful of is following a proper fertilization schedule. Weeds like Crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, and barnyard grass are all warm season grasses and fertilizing during the summer can help those weeds thrive when your lawn is stressed to begin with. This is a reason why it is best to apply fertilizer during the spring and fall. Fertilizer applied during the peak of the weed growth season will only encourage growth.

↘️ Lawn Products I Use and Recommend: - Fungicide/Azoxystrobin - Fungicide/Propiconazole - EzzDoo Peatmoss Spreader - Tenacity Herbicide - Level Lawn Rake - Subdue Maxx ( for Pythium Blight ) - Stanly Hose - Weed Killer - Round Up2 For Lawns - Speed Zone Weed Killer - Earthwise Push Mower

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