Early spring lawn care tips - what are the first things to do for your lawn in the spring for every grass type, cool season and warm season.
If you haven't done so already, get your FREE Pre-Emergent Guide at https://thelawncarenut.com/pages/free-lawn-care-guides
One critcal tool that I suggest you use is a Soil Thermometer: https://thelawncarenut.com/products/digital-soil-bbq-thermometer
Once you apply these spring lawn tips to your strategy, then click below to watch even more in depth strategies by grass type:
Spring Lawn Care for Kentucky Bluegrass: https://youtu.be/y41oANaokhs
Spring Lawn Care For Perennial Ryegrass: https://youtu.be/y41oANaokhs
Spring Lawn Care for Turf Type Tall Fescue: https://youtu.be/y41oANaokhs
Spring Lawn Care for Bermudagrass: https://youtu.be/wxQWKCNWR1I
Spring Lawn Care For Zoysia: https://youtu.be/wxQWKCNWR1I
Spring Lawn Care for St Augustinegrass: https://youtu.be/PlHQHEk57bY
Spring Lawn Care for Centipede Grass: https://youtu.be/PlHQHEk57bY
Spring Lawn Care for Bahia: https://youtu.be/yJFVSTB0RcU
#Spring #LawnCare #PreEmergent
Of course, I encourage you to watch all of them because repetition is the key to learning.
Website - Lawn Plans:
New to lawn care? Learn how to dominate your lawn with the Yard Care Bootcamp:
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